Monday, March 24, 2014

Malaysia  Airlines MH 370.....Possible cause for a Possible Crash.....What...CNN failed to say.....

According to me,  during the flight... the REPAIRED WING TIP  ..!!!!!  ?????

 [i am not sure as to whether it was left or right wing tip??  but i presume it to be the right tip !!!, some media had informed that the wing tip of the plane was repaired a few years back!!!!???]  

might have BLOWN  OFF .......... !!!!!!??????...........and as a result of this at 33000/36000 -66 degrees - the plane might have lost its stability and it might have made a U Turn [almost..not fully] [pilots might have also tried to turn it to MLY again..!!!....OR the plane might have lost balance and turned..!!!?????

Due to the -66 degrees within seconds [source..some media that i do not remember] everybody on the plane .... would have frozen to death..!!!

Fortunately one of the pilot managed to survive...that extra ......FEW SECONDS/ few seconds....and brought the plane down to 12000/13000 feet and set it on AUTO PILOT...!!!!....and he might have lost consciousness...after that......!!!!!....????

After that the plane might have flown ON and ON...towards the Indian Ocean....with no body on the CONTROLS !!!   and finally after the fuel exhausted the plane might have plunged into the ONE PIECE...!!!!!.....[THAT IS WHY NO DEBRIS....NO FUEL.. to be found in the ocean waters]

 [Might be due to the Auto Pilot..???? the plane went IN  ONE PIECE...???????!!!!!!].....and may be still lying ONE PIECE.!!!!???  

[all the above content are my own guess......about how the accident might have happened...AND FROM WHATEVER CLUES THAT I GOT FROM THE MEDIA....ALL THESE DAYS..and ofcourse from my interests in Aviation......]

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